Thursday, March 11, 2010

Planned Parenthood presses Colorado lawmakers to support maternity coverage � Colorado Independent

Planned Parenthood presses Colorado lawmakers to support maternity coverage � Colorado Independent

A bill to require maternity coverage in Colorado, HB 1021, is headed for the Senate this week. Already diluted in favor of the insurance companies, it faces an ideological hurdle.
House sponsor Beth McCann, D-Denver, told the Colorado Independent weeks ago that she expected her bill would have trouble making its way through the Senate, where conservatives would argue it placed an unfair burden on insurance companie

It's difficult to imagine what an "unfair burden" to insurers might be. We are, after all, talking about an industry that still has access to arbitrary rate hikes, denial of payment for pre-existing conditions, and recission, all of which bid fair to impose
an "unfair burden" on pregnant women.

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