Sunday, March 28, 2010

Internet porn is 'sexual revolution times 1,000,' ex-official says - Salt Lake Tribune

Internet porn is 'sexual revolution times 1,000,' ex-official says - Salt Lake Tribune

A former Reagan/Bush I anti-porn crusader holds forth at a conference in Utah.
porn leads to sex parties and prostitution and "hijacks our brain" to make users never satisfied, always seeking more deviant images.

The sponsoring coalition includes the expected, like law enforcement and religious officals, but also the private sector.
The coalition's board includes Utah Attorney General Mark Shurtleff, the
Utah Catholic Diocese, LDS Church members and companies that offer counseling and Internet filters.

The definition of worrisome signs of teen porn consumption?
warning signs of teen porn use, including using vulgar and sexual language, extreme religiosity or avoidance of church activities.

Which sound a lot like the worrisome signs of puberty.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Planned Parenthood presses Colorado lawmakers to support maternity coverage � Colorado Independent

Planned Parenthood presses Colorado lawmakers to support maternity coverage � Colorado Independent

A bill to require maternity coverage in Colorado, HB 1021, is headed for the Senate this week. Already diluted in favor of the insurance companies, it faces an ideological hurdle.
House sponsor Beth McCann, D-Denver, told the Colorado Independent weeks ago that she expected her bill would have trouble making its way through the Senate, where conservatives would argue it placed an unfair burden on insurance companie

It's difficult to imagine what an "unfair burden" to insurers might be. We are, after all, talking about an industry that still has access to arbitrary rate hikes, denial of payment for pre-existing conditions, and recission, all of which bid fair to impose
an "unfair burden" on pregnant women.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Colorado Democratic Party suggests questions for Norton � Colorado Independent

Colorado Democratic Party suggests questions for Norton � Colorado Independent

Some suggested questions from the Colorado Democratic Party boss, Pat Waak:
Questions for “Not-Sayin’” Norton:

Many of us have been disappointed by your extreme rhetoric during this campaign, including your comments that you would now oppose Referendum C, which you helped pass in 2005. Will you tell Coloradans where you really stand, and why you’re changing your mind during a competitive primary?

The Denver Post praised Scott McInnis and John Hickenlooper for taking a position against Amendments 60 and 61 and Proposition 101 – which would be catastrophic for our state’s already strained finances. Michael Bennet also opposes them. Will you finally tell Coloradans where you stand on these measures?

You directed the lobbying division of a large trade group, and the Rocky Mountain News in 2001 reported that you were “previously a medical lobbyist.” Will you come clean and admit that in between your jobs in government you were a lobbyist for five years?

You called for a 20% “across the board cut” in discretionary spending. What would you cut from the Defense budget? Body Armor? Troop Pay? How about the COPS program which provides vital funding for police departments in Colorado? Would you cut Cancer research programs?

Do you still favor abolishing the U.S. Department of Education?

At another forum, you said you’re “not convinced” global warming was caused by humans. Yes or no question Jane: Do you believe in global warming?

You said the federal government should have “no place” in health care. Do you still believe that? If so, will you pledge to repeal Medicare coverage for the 574,263 Colorado seniors and repealing Medicaid coverage for the 374,200 Coloradans who receive quality health care through government-run programs?

On Fox News you said the job creation bill passed by the Senate was “too small.” Then your spokesman offered a confusing clarification. Where do you really stand on jumpstarting job creation?

Ms. Norton has campaigned in a remarkably opaque fashion. My suggestion for one additional question, "Ms. Norton, why is your current campaign ad directed at President Obama instead of your Democratic opponents?

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