Sunday, March 28, 2010

Internet porn is 'sexual revolution times 1,000,' ex-official says - Salt Lake Tribune

Internet porn is 'sexual revolution times 1,000,' ex-official says - Salt Lake Tribune

A former Reagan/Bush I anti-porn crusader holds forth at a conference in Utah.
porn leads to sex parties and prostitution and "hijacks our brain" to make users never satisfied, always seeking more deviant images.

The sponsoring coalition includes the expected, like law enforcement and religious officals, but also the private sector.
The coalition's board includes Utah Attorney General Mark Shurtleff, the
Utah Catholic Diocese, LDS Church members and companies that offer counseling and Internet filters.

The definition of worrisome signs of teen porn consumption?
warning signs of teen porn use, including using vulgar and sexual language, extreme religiosity or avoidance of church activities.

Which sound a lot like the worrisome signs of puberty.

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