Saturday, July 5, 2008

Pixelated Homophobia

'Gay' McDonald's prompts boycott
The happy paranoids at the American Family Association, Dandy Don Wildmon's principal source of outrage and revenue, is now aghast at McDonald's is not running away in horror from gays. My earlier post covers that bit of silly, but a new wrinkle on an old controversy arrived in this afternoon's email.

Conservative News Alerts is pushing the AFA v Ronald McDonald issue, but with even prissier circumlocutions. Where the AFA, quoted by that paragon of accuracy, World Net Daily, says,
"This boycott is not about hiring homosexuals, or homosexuals eating at McDonald's or how homosexual employees are treated. It is about McDonald's, as a corporation, choosing to put the full weight of their organization behind promoting the homosexual agenda, including homosexual marriage," said AFA chairman Donald E. Wildmon.
the right-thinkers at Conservative News Alerts can't seem to quite spit out the topic under revulsion:
"This boycott is not about hiring h_________, or h_________ eating at McDonald's or how h_________ employees are treated. It is about McDonald's, as a corporation, choosing to put the full weight of their organization behind promoting the h_________ agenda, including h_________ marriage," said AFA chairman Donald E. Wildmon.

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